PA the FI Way

PA the FI Way

Hosted by: Kat, PA-C

Becoming a physician assistant (PA) is difficult. But becoming a PA on the way to financial independence (FI) shouldn’t be. Allow the PA the FI Way podcast to be your guide to becoming a physician assistant on the way...

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140: Overcome the Overwhelm: 10 Tips to Beat Analysis Paralysis

In this episode, practical tips to help you break free from analysis paralysis are covered. Learn how to set clear goals and priorities, limit your options, and set time limits for decisions. Plus, discover how...
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139 | Travel as an Investment: 10 Ways Travel Enriches Your Life

In this episode, the variety of ways that travel can transform and enrich your life are covered, going far beyond just a change in scenery. Ten compelling benefits of travel are explored, from cultural understanding...
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138 | PTO Power: Why You Need to Take Your Time Off (Guilt-Free!)

Do you get PTO through your employer? If so, do you use every minute of it?   In this episode, the numerous benefits of using your PTO are explored and how it impacts both personal well-being and professional...
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137 | Stress Less: Practical Tips for Coping with Stress and Burnout

Stress and burnout are rampant amongst PAs and other healthcare workers. But how do you cope and get through your day or week? Here are some practical and simple things you can do in as little as a few minutes to...
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136 | Index Funds vs. ETFs: Which One Is Right for You?

On your way to financial independence, you likely have heard the terms "index funds" and "ETFs". But what are these types of investments? Take a listen to learn about how these investments are very similar while also...
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135 | Noncompete Updates

You may have heard that noncompete agreements have been banned recently! But this isn't exactly true- at least not yet. Listen to learn why noncompete agreements cause issues, hear about the recent news that the...
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134 | How to Start a Solo Cash Practice: PAs Supporting PAs [Interview with Victoria Rivera, MS, PA-C, IFMCP]

Have you ever thought about starting your own practice as a PA? Or have you dreamed about skipping reimbursement by insurance companies several weeks or even months after the appointment, and instead getting...
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133 | How to FIRE Your Financial Advisor

Have you recently come to the realization that maybe your financial advisor actually doesn't have your best interest in mind? Have you been sold expensive and unnecessary life insurance products as investments? Have...
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132 | How to Triage Your Busy Life

Does your life feel "crazy busy"? How do you manage ALL the tasks in life that you need to do in your personal life and your professional life? As healthcare professionals, we're all very familiar with triaging our...
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131 | The Risks of Pursuing PSLF

In this episode, the risks surrounding the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program are reviewed. PSLF was established to incentivize individuals to pursue careers in public service by offering loan forgiveness...
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130 | Life After Medicine: Interview with Chelsea Turgeon, MD

Have you ever thought about monetizing your passions within medicine or without? Have you considered transitioning out of medicine altogether? Or have you ever thought about becoming a digital nomad and traveling the...
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129 | Red Flags & Green Flags for PA Jobs

This episode covers red flags and green flags to look for in physician assistant / physician associate jobs. The red flags can help you identify which jobs to avoid or to transition away from, and the green flags can...
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