
So, You Just Graduated From PA School. Now What? pa-c student loans Jun 22, 2022
Guest Post by Jordan Fisher, PA-C, and Shayne Foley, PA-C, Authors of The PA Blueprint

Congratulations and welcome to your new career! This is one of the most exciting times of your life. However, this is also a pivotal moment for your financial success. This is a time to learn and remain...

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6 Strategies to Consider When Paying Back PA Student Loans debt pay off pa-c student loans Jun 18, 2022

Update 5/3/21: With the current pause to federal student loan payments and interest accrual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if you still have federal student loans, you likely want to HOLD OFF on refinancing your student loans with a private company until this is no longer in effect.

Now that...

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The Pros and Cons of Refinancing Your Student Loansā€¦ (And Doing So Again) student loans Jun 18, 2022

Update 1/24/21: With the current pause to federal student loan payments and interest accrual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if you still have federal student loans, you likely want to HOLD OFF on refinancing your student loans with a private company until this is no longer in effect.


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