
Book Recommendations for PAs on the Way to Financial Independence financial independence miscellaneous pa-c pa-s pre-pa Jun 22, 2022

How a Wedding Sparked My Journey to Financial Independence 

Sometimes, life-changing moments come from the most unexpected places. For me, it was in May 2019 at the wedding of a PA friend / former coworker. On the way there, my husband and I were carpooling with another PA friend and her...

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How to Utilize Travel Rewards for Free Travel financial independence miscellaneous pa-c pa-s pre-pa travel Jun 22, 2022

Disclosure: This post contains referral links, and I would receive a small commission in the form of points if you choose to apply and get approved for any of the credit cards that are mentioned using one of my referral links.


Is one of your favorite hobbies traveling abroad to new,...

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What Effect Will a Doctorate Have on a PAā€™s Career and Quest for Financial Independence? financial independence miscellaneous pa-c Jun 22, 2022

Guest Post by Russell Singleton, DMSc, PA-C, with The PA Doctor

Doctoral degrees for PAs are not new, but they’ve never been as popular as they are right now. Many believe that the future of the profession depends on adopting a terminal doctorate while others bemoan neverending...

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Four Budgeting Methods for Current and Future PAs budgeting financial independence pa-c pa-s pre-pa Jun 22, 2022

There are several budgeting methods to choose from, but in this post, we will review four of the most common ones. I encourage you to review these different budgeting styles, and choose one that you think would best fit you and your life! 

The Pay Yourself First Budget:

With this method,...

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Ensure That Youā€™re Properly Insured financial independence insurance pa-c Jun 22, 2022

Insurance helps protect your assets and sometimes your income when the unthinkable happens. Various types of insurance are necessary, and others are highly recommended. As my husband says, “If we have the insurance, we won’t need it, but if we don’t have it, we would need it...

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The Associated Financial Costs of Practicing as a PA financial independence miscellaneous pa-c Jun 22, 2022

Did you know that working as a PA comes with costs, some of which are pretty obvious, while others are more subtle or even somewhat hidden? You may think that all of the income you earn through work can be spent in your personal life; however, there are actually profession specific costs and...

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Renting Vs. Buying for Current and Future PAs financial independence pa school pa-c pa-s pre-pa Jun 22, 2022

Do you think you should own a home, or rent a place? Most people tend to be very polarized in their view of whether owning a home or renting is the best solution, not only for themselves, but for everyone else as well. They tend to think that one answer fits all, such as “Everyone should...

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An Overview of Various Physician Assistant Compensation Models compensation financial independence pa profession pa-c Jun 19, 2022

Did you know that as a PA, there are several different ways that you can be compensated? Your income may not be as clearcut as getting paid via hourly pay or via a salary. Let’s review the various compensation models that physician assistants can get paid as well as some of the pros and...

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Tax Tips and Tidbits for PAs financial independence taxes Jun 19, 2022

Please note: This post was written in Spring 2021 

These items certainly are not all-inclusive, and I am not an accountant or financial advisor. I am simply a PA-C with a desire to share financial independence concepts with current and future PAs. This information is for educational and...

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Why You Should Consider Using an HSA as Part of Your Journey to Financial Independence financial independence investing pa-c Jun 18, 2022

HSA stands for Health Savings Account, but really in my opinion, HSA should stand for Health Savings Awesomeness! These accounts are so great for many reasons, and I’m just a little bit excited to share with you why they are the best! 

Let’s start by reviewing what an HSA...

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5 Steps to Calculating and Tracking Your Net Worth (And Why It Matters) financial independence net worth Jun 18, 2022

As we have previously discussed, your financial independence (FI) number that you are aiming to save is at least 25x your expected annual expenses, which should last for at least 30 years of retirement. However, if you're looking to retire early, then you likely would want to have 30 - 33x your...

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The Big 3 Budget Items budgeting financial independence Jun 18, 2022

(How Cutting the Cost of These Three Budget Categories Can Help Supercharge Your Savings Rate)

“The Big 3 Budget Items” for most are housing, transportation, and food. In fact, Americans currently spend over 61% of their incomes on these three categories alone! The bread and butter of...

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